Thursday, 26 October 2017

Stage 25 Castel San Pietro - Chioggia

We're all going on a summer holiday, no more working for a day or two, we're going where the sun shines brightly, going where the sea is blue.....

The last of the Tuscany Hills are behind us, as we reach the flat lands around the east coastal regions of Italy. Venice is close. Total distance today 147 klm with only 370 mtr of ascent.

Leaving Hotel Parigi
 This is predominantly flat agricultural region and is near, and at times at the edge of Commacchio lagoon wetlands. Most of this wetlands is a wildlife santuary, with Argenta being the home of the Marsh Museum. 

After a coffee stop in Argenta, we are feeling energised and the size of the group is large, so some big pelotons form. The Amigos set the pace and ride hard till the lunch stop at Marozzo 78 klm mark.

Many groups made wrong turns as the route was proving challenging to navigate. The roads were minor so enjoyable to ride on as traffic was almost nil, just used by local farmers. Then we hit a rough unsealed section of approx 7 klm. This enabled some of the peloton to catch up as their bikes were more suited to these types of roads unlike our TDF machines which required a measured approach.

Fiume Reno.Fishing anyone?
It felt surreal arriving at the lunch stop and we were first to arrive, so no scraps for us today, pick of the best cuisine Ype & Dino had to offer.

Normal stations resumed after lunch we decided to revert to our normal riding routine of stopping to smell the roses (Gelati). At least you see all the sights on the way at an easier pace.

Only 7klm up the road in Codigoro we did exactly that a coke and gelati right on the Po di Volano 

Po di Volano

We crossed many rivers, canals, wetlands and large flat farming areas. This is the food bowl of Italy.

Ross and David (Pegrem) Australia
 Finally arrive in Chioggia a lovely camp site and beachside resort. This was also a long holiday weekend with Republic Day and Whitsunday Holiday, and the campsite receives a steady stream of holidaymakers arriving late into the night in motorhomes and caravans. Some of our group are camped directly in line of sight of car headlights as they turn into the camp, testing the patience of some of our group.

Hans Peter (Rometsch) Germany, David Hosmer (USA) and David (White) Australia, relaxing after the days ride.


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